Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April's Book

in april, we read LIFE OF PI, by Yann Martel. it's the story of a young boy struggling with explaining the world through scientific vs. religious means. later he is shipwreaked by a boat carrying zoo animals, and is left adrift in a lifeboat for 7 months with a zebra, a hyena, a orangutan, and a tiger. soon, only he and the tiger are left, and he must learn to tame the tiger in order to survive. when he is found, he must explain his outrageous story to a set of interviewers researching the crash. in the face of their disbelief he presents them with another, more gruesome story of a lifeboat full of a sailor with a broken leg, a cannabalistic sea cook, himself and his mother. then he tells the interviewers to pick the best story and believe what they will.

we had a great time discussing this book! thanks to all who came. we hope to have more out next month! we had so much fun, and ate a lot of pie! which there is still a lot of, by the way, so if you're in the mood for pie, come on down to the northcutts and have a piece!

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